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Le azioni legali per intercettare il traffico di stupefacenti | ICAAOU

Criminal Organizations: The True Driving Force Behind International Drug Trafficking

International drug trafficking is a global problem involving numerous criminal organizations and ruthless individuals. When we hear about drug trafficking, our minds often focus on the effect these substances have on society, forgetting that behind this lucrative black market, there are “people.”

In this article, we will explore who is hiding behind international drug trafficking and how these organizations manage this dangerous and illegal business. We will also examine the reasons that drive people to engage in this illicit activity and the consequences that ensue.

Drug Cartels and Criminal Organizations

Most international drug trafficking is managed by transnational criminal organizations that use complex transportation and logistics networks to evade authorities and bring illegal drugs worldwide.

The Sinaloa Cartel

One of the most powerful and widespread criminal organizations in international drug trafficking is the Sinaloa Cartel in Mexico. This cartel, which was led by the notorious drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, controls much of the production and trafficking of drugs to the United States. The Sinaloa Cartel uses a variety of methods to evade authorities, including underground tunnels, aircraft, boats, and even submarines to transport drugs.

The Cali Cartel

Another criminal organization active in international drug trafficking is the Cali Cartel in Colombia. This cartel, which was once one of the most powerful and profitable in the world, controlled much of the production and trafficking of cocaine to the United States. Like the Sinaloa Cartel, the Cali Cartel used a variety of sophisticated methods to evade authorities, including bribing government officials and creating shell companies to conceal illegal activities.

Criminal organizations behind international drug trafficking are often able to evade justice due to their ability to infiltrate government institutions and legitimate businesses. For example, they can use their financial resources to bribe public officials and influence the judicial system or create shell companies to hide money and illegal activities.

To combat international drug trafficking and the criminal organizations that manage it, international authorities are working together to share information and cooperate in investigating and cracking down on illegal activities. For example, U.S. and Mexican authorities have entered into cooperation agreements to investigate the Sinaloa Cartel and arrest its leaders.

Why the International Drug Market is Attractive

There are several reasons that drive people to engage in international drug trafficking. One of the main factors is the opportunity to earn huge profits. The sale of drugs is a black market where prices can be inflated exorbitantly, allowing drug traffickers to earn significant amounts of money.

Moreover, many people involved in drug trafficking come from countries where poverty and limited access to economic opportunities are a daily reality. For these individuals, drug trafficking represents a stable and relatively easy source of income.

Other reasons can include the thrill and adrenaline associated with the risk of being caught by law enforcement, the feeling of power that comes from controlling a criminal organization, social pressure, or coerced violence by criminal organizations.

However, it is important to emphasize that not all people involved in drug trafficking do so by choice. In many cases, people are forced to participate in these activities due to situations of poverty, violence, and pressure from criminal organizations that employ coercive tactics to force people to work for them.

How to Counter Criminal Organizations

Eradicating criminal organizations involved in international drug trafficking is a difficult and complex task. However, there are some strategies that can be adopted to address this global problem.

First and foremost, it is essential for law enforcement to work in a coordinated and collaborative manner at the international level. Drug trafficking knows no borders, and the criminal organizations involved often operate in more than one country. Therefore, it is important for police agencies worldwide to collaborate and exchange information to identify criminal organizations and their members.

Secondly, it is necessary to intensify efforts to block the flow of money and financial resources of criminal organizations. Drug trafficking is a very lucrative business, but criminal organizations cannot function without a constant flow of money and resources. Therefore, governments worldwide must adopt measures to block funding and resources for criminal organizations, such as freezing bank accounts and seizing assets of illicit origin.

Ultimately, eradicating criminal organizations involved in international drug trafficking requires global, coordinated, and sustained action. Only through cooperation among law enforcement agencies, disruption of criminal organizations’ money flows, and investments in prevention and rehabilitation of drug addicts can we hope to reduce drug trafficking and its negative consequences on society.

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Photo by Jukka Niittymaa